Where is the Wrexham Gateway’?

    The Wrexham Gateway site is located to the west of Wrexham city centre and broadly consists of the following locations: 

    • Wrexham General railway station;
    • The former Jewson’s site;
    • The former Countrywide Stores site;
    • Wrexham district scouts hut;
    • The Post Office depot; and
    • The STōK Racecourse, including the area to the east and the Wrexham University car park to the north.

    What is ‘WelTAG’?

    The Wrexham Gateway transport hub scheme is being progressed using WelTAG (the Welsh Government’s transport appraisal guidance). Currently, we are at WelTAG Stage Two (Outline Business Case). WelTAG 2022 guidance sets out a process and broad framework for identifying, appraising and evaluating solutions to address transport-related issues. It helps to identify the most beneficial scheme and allows schemes to be compared on a like-for-like basis.


    The WelTAG process comprises five stages which are intended to cover the lifecycle of a proposed transport scheme, from conception to post-implementation evaluation. 

    The five stages of WelTAG are:

    • Stage One – Strategic Outline Case.
    • Stage Two – Outline Business Case.
    • Stage Three – Full Business Case.
    • Stage Four – Delivery.
    • Stage Five – Monitoring and Evaluation.

    Why Wrexham?

    Wrexham is the largest city in North Wales and Wrexham General railway station therefore serves as an important hub for movements in and out of the city by rail. The railway station provides good access to the wider area, with direct services to the North Wales coast, key destinations across North-West England and the Midlands, as well as the Wirral via the Borderlands Line. 

    TfW are in the process of delivering the North Wales Metro programme, which seeks to develop a transformed multi-modal transport network fit for the modern-day requirements of the region. A key part of this is improving the offering at and access to key rail station across the region, of which Wrexham General railway station is one. 

    In combination with this, the proposals for the Wrexham Gateway site have presented an opportunity to develop a significantly improved interchange between transport modes at Wrexham General railway station in line with the sustainable transport hierarchy set out in the Welsh Government's transport strategy, Llwybr Newydd.

    Study objectives

    As part of the previous WelTAG stage one study completed in 2022, a set of study objectives were identified in relation to improvements to transport within and surrounding the Wrexham Gateway site. 

    These study objectives will be utilised to inform this study and are summarised as follows:

    • Better connect businesses and people.
    • Support the economic prosperity of Wrexham and the wider region.
    • Improve public health and equality of access.
    • Tackle climate change and protect the environment.

    What has happened to date?

    The project has progressed through WelTAG stage one (strategic case, which developed a ‘case for change’ based upon the current barriers and opportunities at the site. The WelTAG study was developed in partnership with Wrexham County Borough Council and wider partners on the Wrexham Gateway project. 

    In conjunction with the previous WelTAG study, a masterplan  is being developed for the wider Wrexham Gateway site, incorporating the proposed transport hub to the front of the station. The wider Wrexham Gateway masterplan is being progressed by the Wrexham Gateway Partnership, with close cooperation with this WelTAG study. 

    We are now at the point where we want to start developing the potential options for the transport hub in further detail. We welcome ideas and suggestions as part of this engagement process to help feed into the designs, as well as confirmation that the key issues in the area are being addressed.

    Why is the scheme required?

    The transport hub is a key component of the wider regeneration of the Wrexham Gateway. Transformational redevelopment of the gateway site provides an opportunity to ensure pedestrians, cyclists and public transport are placed at the top of the modal hierarchy, enabling economic investment and regeneration, promoting tourism, improving social inclusivity and healthy lifestyles within Wrexham. 

    The previous WelTAG study identified a ‘Case for Change’ at the site, outlining why a scheme would bring benefits to the area. The previous study highlighted some of the current barriers experienced by passengers:

    • Rail and highway severance issues causing physical barriers to movement in the area.
    • Impermeable and inadequate network for walking and cycling, whilst also limited wayfinding and confusing signage does not support journeys on-foot or by cycle to the wider area.
    • Poor public transport infrastructure and interchange facilities at Wrexham General railway station, which will not support the upgraded status of the station in line with future aspirations. 
    • Access issues for all users at Wrexham General railway station, including poor pedestrian access, limited cycle storage, poor bus interchange facilities, and a narrow approach to the station. 
    • Overspill commuter parking observed on surrounding residential streets, including Crispin Lane. 
    • Vehicle access issues and safety concerns on the Station Approach, at the Mold Road junction, and on Crispin Lane. 
    • The surrounding road network is subject to congestion and delays, particularly at peak periods along the A541 Mold Road corridor. This is exacerbated by a high dependence on the private car in Wrexham.
    • Wrexham has some of the most deprived areas of Wales and therefore a car dependent area increases social inequalities. 

    We are keen to hear from you as to if you think these are correct based upon your experiences at Wrexham General railway station, and if you think we should be considering additional problems/opportunities related to your experience.

    What happens to my feedback?

    Your feedback will be considered as part of developing designs of the transport hub and validating of the issues and opportunities identified.  This will help us to ensure that the proposals are in line with public expectations. They will be considered alongside the objectives, case for change and national, regional, and local policies and aspirations, to develop the shortlisted options that best aim to overcome the problems and maximise the opportunity.

    What if I think of something after this round of engagement has closed? Will I get a chance to comment upon the plans once proposed?

    Yes, provided the scheme is progressed we would envisage a public consultation summarising the findings of the WelTAG stage two study, before progressing with the detailed design of a preferred option.

    The scheme would also be required to follow any statutory processes associated with, for example, planning requirements if relevant.

    Who is ultimately responsible for deciding upon the proposed improvements within the Wrexham Gateway transport hub site?

    The Wrexham Gateway Partnership consists of partners from TfW, Welsh Government, Wrexham County Borough Council, and Wrexham University. The site itself is owned by several different land owners and therefore the ultimate decision to proceed, or not, will be upon the relevant authority / landowner. 

    As a key partner on the Wrexham Gateway project, TfW are responsible for developing the proposals in relation to Wrexham General railway station and the proposed transport hub. We are seeking to develop the scheme in such a way that mitigates against potential risks and maximises contributions to national, regional, and local policy objectives, with a view to this acting as a reliable basis for relevant authorities to make a go/no-go decision and to support future for capital funding.


    Is this project related to the proposed Mold Road active travel enhancements?

    Although not directly associated with the proposed active travel enhancements along Mold Road, the proposed Wrexham Gateway transport hub will consider how the site interacts with the wider active travel route aspirations. Wrexham County Borough Council, who are responsible for developing the Mold Road active travel enhancements, are also a partner on this project and therefore opportunities to maximise the benefits of interactions between both schemes are being actively considered.

    If I am unable to attend any of the in-person events and do not wish to complete the survey online, will paper copies be available?

    Yes, copies of the surveys will be available to collect from Wrexham General railway station information office and Ty Pawb (tbc)

    You can complete the survey at either of the above locations and post your competed survey in the secure survey box. 

    You can return your completed survey via post to Wrexham Gateway transport hub, Transport for Wales, Ellice House (Unit H), Wrexham Business Village, Ellice Way, Wrexham, LL13 7YL. 

    Alternatively, you can email your completed survey to engagement@tfw.wales

    How do I request a copy of the survey in large print?

    You can request a copy of the survey in large print from engagement@tfw.wales