Where is the scheme located?

    The scheme is located in the City of Bangor in Gwynedd. The study area covers the Station boundaries and immediate surrounding highway network, including the Caernarfon Road underpass and gyratory system to the North. The study area matches the ‘Station Quarter’ area introduced with Gwynedd Council’s ‘Bangor City Masterplan’ document, released in 2019.

    What is ‘WelTAG’?

    The Bangor Gateway Station Quarter Project scheme is being progressed using WelTAG (the Welsh Government’s transport appraisal guidance). Currently, we are at WelTAG Stage 2 (Outline Business Case). WelTAG 2022 guidance sets out a process and broad framework for identifying, appraising and evaluating solutions to address transport-related issues. It helps to identify the most beneficial scheme and allows schemes to be compared on a like-for-like basis. 

    The WelTAG process comprises five stages which are intended to cover the lifecycle of a proposed transport scheme, from conception to post-implementation evaluation. 

    The five stages of WelTAG are:

    • Stage One – Strategic Outline Case
    • Stage Two – Outline Business Case (we are here)
    • Stage Three – Full Business Case
    • Stage Four – Implementation
    • Stage Five – Post Implementation (Monitoring and Evaluation)

    Why Bangor?

    Bangor is the busiest station along the mainline in North Wales, with an estimated annual entry/exit figure of 624,926 people (2019). 

    The Station is also a key interchange point for connections to destinations across North West Wales, for example onto bus services towards the East of Anglesey, Snowdonia, Caernarfon and beyond. An opportunity was identified in partnership with stakeholders to improve upon these interchange facilities, whilst developing upon the foundations provided as part of the 2019 Bangor City Masterplan.

    This project is part of the wider North Wales Metro programme, which seeks to develop a transformed multi-modal transport network, fit for the modern day requirements of North Wales. As a result, a number of similar projects are in various stages of progression for which similar engagement exercises will be published on these pages.

    What has happened to date?

    The project has thus far progressed through WelTAG Stage One Strategic Case, which developed a ‘case for change’ based upon the current barriers and opportunities at Bangor Station in partnership with stakeholder representatives from across the City and wider region.

    We are now at the point where we want to start developing solutions to these issues that maximise upon the opportunities. We would welcome ideas and suggestions as part of this engagement process to help feed into the designs.

    Why is this scheme required?

    The scheme justification is based upon the ‘Case for Change’ developed at WelTAG Stage One Strategic Case. This highlighted some of the current barriers experienced by passengers:

    • The station is car dominated with limited walking and cycling options.
    • The North Wales Metro Line causes severance for users in the vicinity of Bangor Railway Station.
    • Lack of cycle parking within or surrounding the station, lack of safe and attractive walking and cycling routes.
    • Wayfinding and signage is poor.
    • Convoluted and congested highway network; rail users travel to the station by car adding to congestion.
    • Poor interchange between bus and rail; lack of timetable information to connect bus services from the station.
    • Planned future developments could increase demand for travel within the study area.
    • The wider area contains some of the most deprived areas of Wales.
    • Elements of Bangor Railway Station has poor placemaking and is uninviting to visitors (poor lighting & public realm design, derelict and in state of repair).


    The Case for Change also highlighted opportunities related to:

    • Improved active travel facilities and routes.
    • Improved wayfinding and signage, both in the vicinity of the station and to/from destinations in Bangor / Gwynedd.
    • Improved bus connectivity, including bus priority and links to/from Bangor Railway Station to wider area.
    • Development of underutilised / unoccupied high potential land in the vicinity of the station – Future Wales 2040 ambition.
    • Transport infrastructure improvements will support economic investment, regeneration (including wider regeneration work being explored by Cyngor Gwynedd), promote tourism and social inclusivity.


    The scheme aims to promote a design that seeks to overcome the feedback in relation to the identified problems, as well as maximise upon the benefits provided by the suggested opportunities. We would be keen to hear from your experiences as to if you think these are correct based upon your experiences at Bangor, and if you think we should be considering additional problems/opportunities related to your experiences.

    What happens to my feedback and comments?

    The comments will be considered as part of the next steps towards developing concept designs of potential solutions/improvements. They will be considered alongside the objectives, case for change and national, regional, and local policies/aspirations to shortlist the options that aim to best overcome the issues and maximise upon the opportunities.

    In line with WelTAG Guidance, these option iterations will then be appraised based upon their contribution towards other goals/policies and potential knock-on impacts (for example, we don't want to solve one problem that creates 10 others)


    The options will be appraised against a ‘do minimum’ scenario, so that a comparative decision can be made as to whether a scheme is justified against any potential impacts.

    What if I think of something after this round of engagement has closed? Will I get a chance to comment upon the plans once proposed?

    Yes, provided the scheme is progressed we would envisage a public consultation upon the option iterations before progressing with one detailed design (which may be a combination of the best elements of a number of options).

    The scheme would also be required to follow any statutory processes associated with, for example, planning requirements.

    Who is ultimately responsible for deciding upon the proposed improvements to Bangor Station and surrounding routes?

    The ultimate decision to proceed or not to proceed with a final recommended scheme will be upon the relevant authority/landowner for the study area, as well as an identified funder.


    As the development partner, it is TfW’s responsibility to develop the scheme in such a way that mitigates against the potential risks, via provision of reliable and robust evidence cases that outline the benefits and risks behind each option – with a view to this acting as a reliable basis for relevant authorities to make a go/no-go decision, as well as acting as a good basis to apply for capital funding.


    By engaging upon the designs at this early stage, it is hoped that this will mitigate such a risk and avoid abortive costs which could emerge from significant design changes at later project stages.

    What if a party responsible for an ultimate decision decides they no longer want to proceed with the project?

    The study is being developed collaboratively between the relevant landowners and final authorities for each of the sections. To mitigate against the risk of a party being unable to agree progression of the project, the study area has been split to recognise that some elements of the scheme may be able to be progressed more quickly than others.